Building an SDR around a Red Pitaya   

This page is not about a finished project, but is rather a sort of blog about a work in progress.


Over the last several decades radio technology has been moving in the digital direction, like so many other things too. Digital signal processing (DSP) started becoming commonplace in amateur radio equipment from about 1990 on. At first DSP was only used to do the demodulation, modulation, some of the filtering, and very specially, doing kinds of filtering that cannot be done with analog technology, such as non-coherent noise reduction. Such radios were conventional in that they had frequency synthesizers, mixers, amplifiers, analog automatic gain control circuits, worked as multiconversion superheterodynes, until finally feeding the last IF signal into the DSP system, typically at near-audio frequencies.

As technology advanced, more and more of the receiver (and transmitter) chain was moved over from analog implementation into digital, software-based systems. We started calling such things Software-defined Radios (SDR), since really the software running at a given time defined most of the characteristics of these transceivers.

The older generation of SDRs still had a conventional receiver front-end, with an oscillator or frequency synthesizer, and typically it would convert the RF signal into two low (or zero) intermediate frequencies (IF), one of them in phase and the other in quadrature (90 degrees off phase). These I/Q signals would be converted to digital format and fed into the DSP.

Further technological advancements made it possible to move the frequency down-conversion into the digital realm too. Such radios essentially take everything that comes in from the antenna, digitize it, and do all further processing digitally. They need fast analog to digital converters (ADC) having enough resolution (14 bits as a minimum, 16 or more bits is better), and since the amount of digital data coming out of the ADC is more than what even a pretty fast computer can handle, it's first applied to a Field-programmable Gate Array (FPGA) , which is basically a chip that has lots of configurable logic gates, adders, multipliers, memory, etc, which are configured and interconnected by programming. This FPGA is then used to synthesize a frequency with numerical I/Q outputs, multiply (mix) those outputs with the data coming from the ADC to produce two low or zero frequency IF signals, and then apply a process of sample rate reduction while gaining resolution, which downsizes the bandwidth while gaining dynamic range, and very importantly, reduces the amount of data to a level that a computer can handle. After this point, a computer does all the remaining processing. And in transmisison, simply the whole procedure is done in reverse.

SDRs have a lot of advantages over conventional radios: The ability to see spectral graphs of an entire band while operating, very sharp and infinitely configurable filtering, some filters that cannot be implemented in small bandwidth radios (such as noise filters that can tell static crashes from desired signals by detecting their wideband nature), the AGC and ALC can be made highly effective and free from attack overshoot, and many more. On the technician's side, there is a big advantage in the fact that software doesn't go out of alignment, nor does it wear out and fail! An SDR requires only minimal setup after being built, and for the most part will never need realignment. This very stability is what makes highly accurate filters possible!

SDRs also have disadvantages, of course: The leading one is probably their latency. Unlike analog radios that process signals in realtime, digital data is processed in blocks at several steps. So first a data block has to be created, spanning a certain time of the input signal, then it's processed while at the same time the second block is being filled with fresh data, and only then is the first block delivered to the speaker, starting at its beginning. In many cases there are more steps in the processing, such as sending the pre-processed data blocks from an input card to a computer for further processing, so that the total delay (latency) of an SDR can be several times the amount of time required to fill one data block. By good design, and using small data blocks, latency of SDRs can be reduced to pretty good figures, and analog radios also have some latency, mostly caused by their crystal filters - but still most SDRs have longer latency than most analog radios. So they may not be usable for certain communication modes that depend on very short latency, for example modes that require very fast TX/RX switching.
Another disadvantage perceived by some older hams is the "mouse effect": These people enjoy having large radios on their desks, with a front panel having as many knobs and buttons as possible. Very specially they demand a big, nice-feeling, round and hefty tuning knob, and despise what they call "mouse radios". Well, it's true that an SDR can be 100% controlled just by a mouse, clicking at different things shown on a screen, and very often exactly this is done. Instead of rotating that big tuning knob, you click on a spectrum display and drag it to tune over a band, or you simply click on a signal you see, to instantly tune it in. The fact is that most people get to love this functionalty after just a few days using an SDR, so much so that an old-fashioned tuning knob soon seems very old and cumbersome to them. But for those diehards who cannot live without a tuning knob, well, it is entirely possible to set up such a knob with an SDR! Still some people who haven't ever even tried "mouse radios" keep saying that radios shall have knobs, and lots of them...

The OpenHPSDR project:

When SDR was starting to be a really hot topic, a widely dispersed group of hams started developing an open-source high performance SDR. The first steps of the project were still based on a conventional analog downconverter feeding a low IF as I/Q signals into a soundcard, but very soon the main project became a direct-sampling SDR.  The OpenHPSDR hardware consisted of several separate cards, such as a receiver, a transmitter, an USB interface, an ethernet interface, a sound card, etc, that could be plugged into a backplane. The whole setup was connected to a PC running Windows and PowerSDR or similar software, and after adding a power amplifer, filters, and TX/RX switching, the result would be a complete, functional, high performance SDR.

A ham wanting to assemble his HPSDR faced several difficulties: The availability of these modules, as kits or ready-made, has been rather poor. Completely building one's own from published data is really hard, because multilayer circuit boards and many tiny SMD parts are used, a good number of which aren't easy to find. And lastly, the whole thing is very expensive, far more expensive than buying a pretty good factory-made transceiver!
What significantly eased this situation is the development of the Hermes board, which is essentially the entire openHPSDR on a single card, replacing the separate receiver, transmitter, interface and backplane cards. So now it became possible to get into OpenHPSDR by just buying a Hermes card, adding a power amplifier, filters, switching, connect it to a PC, and get on the air. And the Hermes card was available for quite some time - but the price was stiff, at close to US$1000 plus international shipping plus taxes. So a complete radio built around a Hermes board would still be more expensive than a factory-made radio. And last time I checked (May 2017), the Hermes seems to be no longer available! But there are a fair number of Hermes cards around, and some become available second-hand.

The Hermes board does all of its processing in a single, large FPGA. The program for this FPGA can be loaded from the host computer. Hermes uses a 16-bit ADC and DAC, running at 122.88 MHz.

The OpenHPSDR hardware is most commonly used with a special version of PowerSDR, the same software used for years by FlexRadio, a commercial manufacturer of SDRs. For the communication between the software and HPSDR hardware a protocol was defined, that originally worked over an USB connection. This protocol was enhanced many times, to add features and improve performance, and eventually was grafted onto ethernet connections, by simply putting the data packets prepared for USB into wrappers so they can be sent over ethernet, using UDP frames.

Later a new protocol was developed, that allows for more features, and more quality. The new protocol is defined specifically for ethernet, separates data streams and uses different logical ports, allows a large number of simultaneous receivers, and so on. As far as I understand, currently existing hardware and software still uses the old protocol.

The Red Pitaya:

In 2013 a group of clever people in Slovenia got together and developed the Red Pitaya, as a Kickstarter project. The aim was to offer it as a highly educational, user-programmable fast dual-channel input/output board, to be used as oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, signal generator, and so on. It turns out that the Red Pitaya has everything on board that's needed to use it as the core of an SDR, almost as a direct replacement of the Hermes board. And soon Pavel Denim developed several programs for the Red Pitaya that allow doing precisely this!

The Red Pitaya has some disadvantages and some advantages relative to the Hermes board. For example, it only has 14-bit ADCs and DACs running at 125 MHz, compared to the 16 bits boasted by Hermes - but it has two channels of each, compared to the Hermes' single channel! I understand that the Red Pitaya's FPGA is significantly smaller than the Hermes', but then the Red Pitaya has a dual-core ARM CPU built in, with lots of memory, and runs Linux! And the biggest difference to Hermes: It costs only one third as much. And this means that it is possible to build an SDR around a Red Pitaya for less money than an equivalent factory-built radio would cost. You cannot do that with a Hermes, at least not with a Hermes bought new.

My SDR project:

 In early 2017 I decided that it was time for me to get seriously into SDR, and after confirming that the Red Pitaya was my best option, I purchased one. My final goal is to put together an SDR having the following fundamental characteristics:

- 160 to 10 meter coverage (6m would be possible too, but is pretty irrelevant to me, so I prefer to leave it out to ease the transmitter section);
- Legal limit RF output power (that's 1200 watts in my country);
- High efficiency power amplifier, most likely class E running in EER mode;
- Built as "black-box" radio connected to a PC at first, and in a second step build a small embedded PC right into it to make it stand-alone;
- Keep everything as low-cost and simple as possible.

The PowerSDR software has specific support for EER (Envelope Elimination and Restoration) transmission, and also has an adaptive predistortion system to correct nonlinearities of the TX power amplifier chain.  And Pavel Denim made a program that allows the Red Pitaya to emulate the Hermes board. So this all seemed to be fitting together pretty well. Just keep reading, and see my further adventures and blues in this area.

Buying the Red Pitaya: 

When I went shopping for the RP on the web, my first discovery was that there was no place where one could buy it! It turned out that the company making it had stopped selling the card by itself, and is instead packaging it into kits, called STEMLab. The most basic kit, the "starter", includes a power supply, adapters, a cable, and a preloaded SD card, and already costs significantly more than a bare RP would. Oh well. More complete kits include oscilloscope probes and other accessories, which are absolutely not needed for SDR use, and they are much more expensive. And there is a trap: STEMlab kits are sold in 125-14 and 125-10 versions. The -10 versions only have 10-bit ADCs and DACs, and also have less memory! They are useless as SDRs, due to their insufficient dynamic range.

So, if you are shopping for a Red Pitaya card for use as an SDR, buy a "STEMlab 125-14 starter kit". That gets you the correct Red Pitaya card, plus power supply and SD card, for the least possible money.

Most distributors I checked were out of stock when I tried to buy this. Even the manufacturer's webstore was out of stock! The two I found that had the RP available were both located in Germany. So we (CE6SAX and I) placed an order with Reichelt in Germany. Soon we got our RPs.

First impressions:

Firing up the Red Pitaya for the first time was pretty easy: Insert the SD card (which acts as hard disk for the RP's Linux system), connect the power supply, connect the network cable to my router, and apply power. The LEDs gave their proper signs of life. The instructions ask for installing a certain third-party printer sharing utility that allows connecting to the RP by its hardware address. This didn't work for me, and it's totally unnecessary: One can perfectly well connect to the RP using its IP address rather than its hardware address. The RP by default gets its IP address via DHCP from the router, so connect to your router, look at its DHCP client table, and you will find what IP address it assigned to the RP. Then point your web browser at this address, and you will get the RP's screen. To avoid having to look up each time which IP address the RP got assigned, it's typically more convenient to configure the RP to use a fixed IP address. More about this later.

Via the browser you can see which applications come preinstalled - which doesn't mean that you can use all of them, as some require paid "activation". My advice: Just don't use those. Instead navigate to the user-contributed applications, and download what you want to use. You will find oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, signal generators, various other test instrument applications - and also several SDR applications. Simply download what you want, and a moment later you can run them. They are saved to the SD card, so next time they will be there - you just need to start them each time.

After doing this much, the RP's tiny heatsink will be hot enough to cook some eggs on it. In the interest of long-term reliability, it's highly advisable to purchase a little fan that fits the heatsink and runs from 5V. Such fans can be bought cheaply on eBay and elsewhere - try to find a quiet one. A connector that provides power for the fan is provided on the RP. While you are waiting for that fan to arrive, point any other fan at the RP, to keep it cool. And in your definitive SDR, plan on mounting the RP against a larger heatsink, part of the box, or buy the special RP box, which also acts as heatsink - because tiny fans are notoriously unreliable, and a dead fan might only be noticed when the RP fails from overheating!

There are several SDR programs available that can use the RP. Since I had already installed HDSDR (Note: This is an SDR program, NOT compatible with the HPSDR!), which I used with the cheap RTL-SDR dongle before, and noticing that there is an HDSDR-compatible transceiver application by Pavel Denim available for the RP, I downloaded and tried that first. One has to download a driver library too, named ExtIO_RedPitaya_TRX.dll, and copy it into the HDSDR directory. Then HDSDR gave me the option to select between the RTL-SDR and the Red Pitaya, and I got my first SDR experience with the RP: Wow!
In this screenshot a 1250kHz wide swath of spectrum, including the 40m ham band and the 41m broadcast band, is visible at once. A ionosounder signal sweeping through the band left a clear track on the waterfall display. Below are a spectrogram and waterfall of the demodulated audio signal on 7085kHz. The bandwidth is adjustable by dragging the filter slopes with the mouse, tuning is by clicking on the desired signal or by adjusting the numerical frequency display. The S-meter, once calibrated, is accurate over the full range, and the reception quality is superb.
HDSDR is an excellent program for general receiving, and in fact I prefer it over all others I have tested so far. But it doesn't provide much transmit capability, just the most basic - which I haven't tested yet - and isn't really designed to act as a transceiver controller. So, PowerSDR (freeware) or perhaps Zeus Radio (payware, with free limited demo available) or some other program of that sort need to be used for a ham transceiver. This requires downloading and running Pavel Denim's HPSDR-compatible transceiver software for the Red Pitaya. I did that, but ran into trouble with the PC software: Neither PowerSDR nor Zeus would install on my machine!!!

I had Windows XP SP2 on my PC, and despite all blah blah about it being outdated and almost criminally dangerous to use due to termination of support by Microsoft, it still serves me very well, has never gotten infected, and an attempt to upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate some time ago failed miserably, as the installation DVD of Win7 I could get refused to upgrade my existing system and insisted on a clean installation, then many of my programs and drivers (I use more than 200 different programs) wouldn't run on Win7, and Win7 had several nasty bugs for which there were no fixes, and would phone home all the time without really letting me control that. So out it went, I restored my XP installation from the backup, and since then hadn't done any further attempts at upgrading.

I found hints that PowerSDR could run in XP, but only when SP3 is installed. I had tried installing SP3 some time ago, before that attempted upgrade to Win7, but it failed to install. Now I tried again. It failed again. After spending lots of time on this issue, I was finally able to find a version of SP3 that installed correctly on my specific version of Windows XP SP2 - there are more different and incompatible versions of Windows XP and SP3 out there than you might think!

PowerSDR installed without any problem on Windows XP SP3. Zeus Radio didn't.

Red Pitaya software and configuration:

Downloading Pavel's programs from the Red Pitaya website, directly to the Red Pitaya, works fine, but requires starting the program via a web browser every time the RP is powered up. If the RP will be used mostly or only for SDR, it's far more practical to have the relevant RP program self-start right after powering up the RP. This can be easily done by downloading the relevant SD card image file from Pavel's website, and unzipping its contents onto an empty, FAT32-formatted SD card. This card will then contain a version of the RP operating system and the preinstalled applications, and in addition, invisible on a web browser accessing the RP, Pavel's software will be running. If you start another RP application rom the browser, Pavel's program is aborted, but power-cycling the RP will restart it.

To unzip the image file onto an SD card, you need nothing more than a zip program such as WinZip, and an SD card reader/writer. If you don't have such an SD card reader, you can use almost any digital camera in its place!
The documentation says that the SD card for the RP needs to be at least 4GB in size, and have a speed rating of class 10. But what actually gets copied to the card is far less, only about 70MB! I read somewhere that the full development environment needs the 4GB card, but to just run RP applications you don't need that. In fact the SD card that was delivered in my STEMlab kit seems to be one of those Chinese eBay specials: It claims 4GB capacity on the label, but its actual capacity is just 120MB! Still that's plenty to hold the "Red Pitaya Ecosystem" along with a good number of applications.

Update (2017-7-3):
The SD card delivered with the RP is not a fake! It just comes formatted to far less than full capacity. If you want to reformat it to its full size, download the program "SDFormatter". Put the card in a card reader, copy all of its contents to a zip file (with folders), then use SDFormatter to format the card, choosing " full overwrite format, format size adjustment on". This will format it to full size. Do not choose quick format, because that will produce a card that seems to have full capacity, but fails to write beyond the previously formatted size! After this you can expand your zip file back onto the card, and it will run in the RP as good as it did before, but with a huge lot of extra capacity for adding programs and storing data. My thanks go to Gerald, DL3KGS, for hinting me at this, and suggesting SDFormatter!

It might be a good idea, although not essential for a plain user of RP software, to download and install some programs to access the Red Pitaya's Linux system. PuTTY can be used to open a console connection to the RP. Log in as "root", password "root". You need to be fluent in Linux to do anything there. And WinSCP can be used as a file manager, editor, etc, for the RP, working very much like any other file manager. Both of them work over the ethernet connection - you don't need to add an USB connection to the RP, even if that's yet another option.

If you let your router dynamically assign an IP address to the RP, it might get a different address each time, if there are various other devices connecting and disconnecting from the router. So you might have to ask the router every time at which address your RP landed! That's a nuisance. In such cases it's better to configure the RP for a fixed IP. Also if you want to connect the RP directly to the PC, without a router, you need both the PC and the RP to have fixed IP addresses. The PC can be configured via the Windows Control Panel. The RP is configured by editing a file named interfaces, located in the etc/network directory. The file has comments in it making it self-explanatory, although after setting the RP for a fixed IP I couldn't make it connect to the web anymore, although it worked fine with SDR software. The interfaces file tells that one should make changes also to another file, but I couldn't find what to change inside that one... and that's likely to have been the reason why web connectivity was lost. Anyway, I it back to DHCP for now. You can edit the configuration either through WinSCP, with the SD card installed in the RP, and first issuing a "rw" command via PuTTY to make the SD card writable, or you can put the SD card into your card reader and edit the file with any Windows text file editor. The latter is much easier.

Red Pitaya modifications:

The RP has oscilloscope-like inputs, with an input resistance of 1MΩ in parallel with a small capacitance. It can be jumper-configured for two different input ranges, the more sensitive one being ±1V. This doesn't suit radio work very well. 50Ω inputs have the advantage that the length of coax cables doesn't affect the frequency response, and the sensitivity provided by a 14-bit ADC scaled for ±1V is not satisfactory for radio reception, except on the lowest bands in the evenings when the propagation is strong. So some minor modification is convenient, if the RP will be used only or mainly as an SDR.

The first thing that can be done is very easy: Even the ±1V range is obtained by configuring an input voltage divider for a 2:1 ratio. By removing one of the jumpers, and placing the other over the two center pins of the 6-pin block, the RP is configured for an input range of ±0.5V. That's a 6 dB improvement, for free! The input impedance in this configuration is still very high, so if desired one can solder a 51Ω resistor across the input connector, to achieve a nominal 50Ω, DC-50MHz, almost flat input response with a ±0.5V range.

But the card's high input impedance allows doing better than that. We can obtain some "passive gain" by using a little RF transformer. There is a limit to how much can be achieved, because the higher the transformation ratio, the higher is the output impedance of such a transformer, and the RP's capacitance will soon limit the frequency response if we overdo it. But a 3:10 winding ratio is well within the possibilities. I selected a small binocular ferrite core, specifically a Ferronics 12-350-J, roughly equivalent to a Fair-Rite 2843002402, also known as Amidon BN-43-2402. The Ferronics is just a little longer than the Fair-Rite one. I wound 10 turns of AWG #36 wire on it, tapped at 3 turns. The tap gets soldered to the RP's input connector pin connection, the 3-turn end is soldered to ground at the same connector, and the 7-turn end is soldered to one of the little configuration jumpers. Also a 1kΩ resistor is soldered from this jumper to ground (at the input connector), and the jumper is inserted just on pin 5 of the pin block. For now this trafo is dangling just from its very thin wires, but since it works so well, I will fix it in place with a dab of hot melt glue someday when I feel generous.

This transformer provides a theoretical passive gain of 10.46 dB, and the 1kΩ resistor combined with the losses in the ferrite core provide a reasonably accurate 50Ω input termination all over the HF range. On the 160m band this transformer starts running out of sufficient inductance, so the input impedance goes inductive and low, an effect that increases at even lower frequencies. This is a desirable behaviour for an SDR transceiver, as it acts as a progressive attenuator on the MF, LF, VLF and ULF bands, on which there is usually a huge lot of noise which we want to keep out of the ADC. It doesn't impair reception of those VLF signals, because these tend to be extremely strong, but one needs to keep in mind that the S-meter indication provided by the software will become progressively inaccurate on frequencies from the 160m band down.

So, input 1 of my Red Pitaya now has a nominal 50Ω impedance, and about 16dB higher sensitivity than in its stock configuration. Input 2 instead will only be used for feeding back my transmit signal, for the predistortion system, and that's well served by the stock ±1V input range. I just added a 51Ω resistor soldered to the input 2 connector, in order to have a clean and predictable wideband behaviour when using coax cables of varying lengths during experimentation and final equipment integration.

RX front end 

I played with the modified RP for several days without adding anything else, and found the sensitivity (noise floor) to be good enough at all times on bands from 30m downwards, and most of the time it was also satisfactory on 20m. But on higher bands clearly some more gain in front of the ADC is necessary. So I looked into my junk box, searching for parts suitable to build a preamplifier. I found some J310 JFETs which would serve beautifully in common-gate preamplifiers delivering a modest gain, around 10dB, and I also found various low noise RF bipolar transistors that could be used with gains of 10 to 15dB, but more attractive was a small set of samples of the MAR series of MMICs (Microwave Monolythic Integrated Circuit). I picked the MAR-6 from that set, which has 21dB gain and 3dB noise figure, working pretty much from DC to daylight as far as HF equipment is concerned. While this is an antique device, it's still available at low cost at places like RF Parts. Far more modern and even cheaper MMICs are available at many places, even on eBay, but I used what I had.

Using MMICs is trivially simple: Apply the well bypassed supply voltage through a properly calculated resistor, connect DC blocking capacitors to the input and output - and that's it. I cut a piece of unetched PCB material as a breadboarding groundplane, and assembled the MMIC preamplifier on a corner of this board. The tiny black pill is the MMIC. Now the RP SDR really came to life! While on 40 meters and lower just the S-meter deflected more strongly, on the high bands the SDR started hearing everything my good old Kenwood TS-450 hears, and then some. I tested the noise floor with open input, 50Ω-terminated input, and with the antenna connected, and found that the 21dB of gain provided by this MMIC, along with its noise figure, are entirely adequate even when propagation conditions are poor. The receiver's noise floor ends up 8 to 10dB below the atmospheric noise, in my very RF-quiet forest location. More gain than this would make no sense, and would unduly compromise the receiver's dynamic range. A few dB less preamplifier gain might be optimal, but for the moment what I have is good enough.
The RP has a 125MHz sampling rate. This causes any signals above 62.5MHz to be aliased into the 0-62.5MHz range. It is thus necessary to reject those signals before they reach the ADC. The RP only has very basic low-pass filters built in for the input channels, and the result is that I got FM broadcast signals on 88-108MHz aliasing strongly into the 17-37MHz range, and TV signals on VHF channels 3-6 aliasing into the frequencies above 37MHz. Particularly on the 15 and 12 meter bands I got a lot of QRM from these alias signals. So I added a 7-pole, 32MHz Chebyshev low-pass filter in front of my MAR-6 preamplifier. I wound the inductors on tiny T-20-6 cores, because I have a lot of them. With this filter in place there is now no sign remaining of any aliasing.
But my receiver front end has no further filtering so far. The 32MHz low-pass filter cutting off VHF signals, and the transformer at the RP input attenuating MF, LF and VLF signals, is all the filtering there is. The result is that when listening on the high bands in the evenings, when propagation on the high bands is very weak but lots of shortwave broadcast stations on about 5-16MHz are booming in with S9+30dB signals and more, I get a comb spectrum of little carriers spaced 5kHz apart. These must be mainly second-order IMD products caused by nonlinearities mixing the broadcast signals. These carriers are typically up to about 15dB above the noise floor, so they would be easy to reject by using very modest band-pass or high-pass filters. Maybe just a single 17MHz high-pass filter, switched in when operating on 17 meters and higher, would be enough to cure this problem, but of course a more solid solution is to either use a set of proper band-switched band-pass filters, or use a set of high-pass filters that are combined with the low-pass filters that will be needed at the transmitter output. Adding these filters is something to be done in the final SDR. For the time being, during the experimentation phase, this IMD QRM is unimportant enough to ignore.

An audio CODEC for the Red Pitaya:

The Hermes board includes an audio CODEC that provides speaker, headphone and line outputs, plus microphone input. The Red Pitaya doesn't, although it does have general purpose slow analog inputs and PCM outputs, that might be pressed into audio service. PowerSDR by default uses the audio CODEC of the SDR hardware, although it can also be configured to use the PC's sound card. To level the field between the Hermes and the RP, some hams like to add an external audio CODEC board to the RP. I was given one of them, and while I don't yet know whether I will use it in my final SDR, it's certainly proving useful for testing.

For example, there is the issue of antenna-to-speaker latency, of much concern to SDR folks. I was told that using this CODEC is almost essential, because PC sound cards have an enormous latency. Well, this proved to be the case only when using standard Windows drivers for the sound card, such as MME. Indeed they introduced more than 100ms of additional latency! But using the PC's sound card with ASIO drivers actually resulted in a tiny little bit less latency than using the CODEC connected to the RP. So the use of a CODEC board seems to be entirely optional. People who want to have microphone and headphone connectors and a speaker right in their SDR black box should use it, while those who use either an embedded PC with sound chip in their SDR, or are happy using a desktop PC with the microphone, headphone and speakers connected to the PC, will not need this CODEC.

In any case, it's a real plug-and-play solution: I connected it to the RP as indicated in the instructions, and it immediately worked very well, with no configuration needed anywhere. WhenPowerSDR is set up to use the sound card, which it does via a Virtual Audio Cable (VAC), both the PC soundcard and the CODEC at the RP work at the same time. But the mic gain control of PowerSDR only acts upon the CODEC, while the gain of the microphone connected to the PC has to be set via the sound card's mixer program.

Transceiver control:

Pavel's RP software supports four digital outputs that emulate the ones Hermes has. The behaviour of these can be freely configured on a per-band basis in PowerSDR. This allows easily switching RX and TX filters. Also there are output pins that can be used to switch the RX preamplifier, and an attenuator. I haven't yet gotten the attenuator pins to work, but I really haven't tried seriously, because I don't intend to install a step attenuator. Just switching my 21dB preamplifier in and out should be plenty for matching the dynamic range to band conditions, at least at my rural place.

When not using an audio CODEC, the pins liberated that way can be used to implement a far more sophisticated control of filters, attenuators, antenna ports and other devices, by means of shift registers. I don't foresee to use this feature, since I don't think I will have any need for it. But it's there, for those people who want to build a more flexible SDR.

Other digital I/O pins of the RP are used as PTT input, TX/RX output, iambic keyer input, GPS time sync input, and two slow analog inputs of the RP are used to read transmitter forward and reflected power. All this is pretty good and should allow building a practical transceiver that doesn't need physical switches nor other control devices on the front panel. Everything can be controlled from the PC.

I discovered a funny bug in PowerSDR, when testing the PTT function: Using the MOX button on the screen results in loud crashes in the speaker when switching from RX to TX and back. Instead doing the same switching via the PTT input of the RP does not result in such crashes. Since one would normally always use the PTT, this is no significant problem. It's just funny. One would expect the MOX function to work just like the PTT, but of course they reach the innards of the software through very different channels...

An evil case of popping disease:    

While I played with the RP and PowerSDR over days and weeks, a far worse problem became impossible to ignore: There is a clicking and popping appearing both in the audio output and on the spectral display. When all signals in a band are of roughly the same strength, this problem is nearly unnoticeable, but when receiving a strong signal on an otherwise rather quiet band the popping becomes very noticeable. Listening to a weak signal in the vicinity of a strong one is severely hampered by the popping. Applying a clean carrier from a signal generator to the RP and tuning to this carrier makes the problem absolutely obvious:

Red Pitaya and PowerSDR popping problem

I asked other people who use the RP with PowerSDR, and it turned out that two of them have the same problem, with one of them having noticed it before, and the other noticing it only when I pointed him to it. Also one user reported not having this problem. So far these three reports are the only ones I got. Including me, it's three users getting the pops, and one not getting them. There must be a true problem.

A web search produced lots of results from people getting the pops when using PowerSDR with other hardware, such as the FlexRadio rigs.

I made lots of systematic tests. My results so far are:

- The problem happens exactly the same regardless of whether I use the PC sound card for audio output, or the CODEC connected to the RP.

- The problem is independent of the CPU load, and that's surprising. Even when forcing a 100% CPU load by running a video conversion program at the same time as PowerSDR, the popping does not change.

- Changing the process priority of PowerSDR does not change the popping either.

- Disabling my firewall (ZoneAlarm) strongly reduced the amount of popping, but did not eliminate it. Disabling other resident programs, drivers and services did not change the popping.

- Generating additional traffic over the ethernet, by downloading data from the internet, does not seem to make a noticeable change in the number of pops. But this isn't very relevant, because my internet connection is slow, so that even the most intense web traffic I can generate is small compared to the traffic between the RP and the PC.

- Connecting the RP directly to the PC, instead of through my router, makes no difference.

- Changing the buffer size and the sampling rate in PowerSDR has a strong effect on the problem. Playing with this, I found that switching between 1024 and 2048 bytes per buffer makes little difference, but that otherwise there seems to be a relatively linear relationship between the total number of buffers transferred (sampling rate divided by buffer size) and the number of pops I get, but there is a sort of baseline number of pops per unit of time, which cannot be broken by any setting.

-  The sound of each pop changes with the sampling rate, but does not change with buffer size. I assume this has to do with PowerSDR's filter responses changing with the sampling rate. The fact that the buffer size has no effect on the sound might indicate that each pop is caused not by the loss of a complete buffer, but only one sample. I'm just guessing here...

- When the test carrier is tuned exactly to the center of the spectral display of PowerSDR, the popping gets so weak that it almost completely disappears. This is interesting! This SDR is a zero-IF system, that is, the signal coming out of the numerical mixers (multipliers) in the FPGA is pure DC when the signal is tuned exactly to the center of the bandwidth. And a DC signal means that all samples contain the same numerical value, so that missing a sample, or many, won't change the audio output! Instead when the signal is tuned even slightly off-center, it turns into a low frequency IF signal, and missing samples will cause phase jumps. So, this "discovery" seems to show that PowerSDR is either skipping samples, or doubling up samples, or changing the order of samples.

- I checked the latency my computer has in the execution of time-critical interrupts, using the  DPC Latency Checker program. This program reported the latency to always stay in the acceptable range, and changing settings in PowerSDR that result in more popping did not affect the measured latency. It doesn't seem to be a DPC latency problem.

In any case the problem seems to be localized in the data flow between the RP and the digital signal processing on the PC getting stalled, delayed, corrupted, or whatever. Is this perhaps a case of buffer overflow or underflow caused by slightly differing sampling rates? After all, the RP and the PC don't have their clocks synchronized! 192kHz in the RP might well be 0.001% or so different from 192kHz measured by the PC clock. If this isn't correctly handled by the software, data corruption will happen.
Then I tried again running HDSDR instead of PowerSDR, using Pavel's HDSDR-compatible RP software. There is no popping problem at all in that setup, even at 1250kHz sampling rate, which is much higher than the highest rate supported by PowerSDR! This proves that there must be either some bug or some non-optimal implementation of something either in PowerSDR (more likely) or perhaps in Pavel's HPSDR-compatible RP software (less likely, I think, given the many reports of popping with PowerSDR and Flexradio).
The one report I got from a ham who does not get this popping prompted me to try a newer Windows version. I installed Windows 7 Ultimate on a clean SSD, then installed nothing else than the drivers for my motherboard chips, for my sound card, and then PowerSDR.   I configured Windows 7 for as little internet traffic as I could, and ran tests with the internet connection disabled, to prevent interference. The result was interesting: As long as nothing else was done on the computer, PowerSDR ran pop-free in this setup, but any activity, even if it was just moving the mouse, resulted in much more popping than under Windows XP! Also the reaction of PowerSDR to changes in the sampling rate and buffer length was more critical.

Then I tried to install the demo version of Zeus Radio, and voilá, it installed fine under Windows 7, after asking me to install a specific version of a runtime environment. But.... it popped exactly as badly as PowerSDR does!!!
Now that opens a big question: Is the bug in Pavel's software? Or did the authors of Zeus Radio copy sections of PowerSDR, which after all is open-source? In the latter case both PowerSDR and Zeus are affected by the same bug or non-optimal implementation.

Update about the popping problem (2017-6-29):

Today I made some more systematic tests. Using PowerSDR 3.4.1, I captured the program's audio output while receiving a clean strong carrier, tuning to a very low beat frequency (roughly 60Hz). I used DSB mode with the widest possible filter setting, to preserve as much waveform detail as possible. The result is interesting! It shows very clearly that blocks of sample data get processed out of order!!!

This screenshot shows roughly one cycle of the 60Hz beat note, with one of the nasty pops in it. After visually filtering out the high frequency ripple added by the filters, we are left with the simple fact that two sections of the waveform switched place! Each of these sections is roughly 0.8ms long. The UDP packets sent by the Red Pitaya contain 988 bytes of sample data, at a rate of 26 bytes per sample. At the 48kHz sampling rate I used to capture this waveform, each UDP packet contains 0. 792ms of data. So what's happening here is that two UDP data packets were processed out of order!

I tried setting PowerSDR to different sample rates and buffer sizes. The result clearly indicates that what's being processed out of order are indeed UDP packets, and not PowerSDR's  internal buffers. Using sample rates of 192 or 384kHz the pops become correspondingly shorter. Using different buffer lengths doesn't change the duration of the pops.

Not all of the pops are just two UDP packets processed in reversed order. Many of the pops actually involve three UDP packets, moving one forward in time by two slots! These two screenshots show such cases. The UDP packet containing the data samples corresponding to the approach to the negative peak of the beat note was moved two slots left, then come the two UDP packets that were skipped, and then the data flow continues normally. The same kind of out-of-queue processing happened in the sample at right, only at a different place of the waveform.

It's important to stress that no data seems to be lost. It's just swapped out of sequence, not dropped nor repeated. After each pop the sine wave continues without any phase shift.
Then I captured a few seconds worth of UDP packets, using Wireshark, and looked at them. I spent a good while searching for any packets with their serial numbers out of proper sequence, but couldn't find any. The UDP traffic seems correct, as far as I can tell. What I might still do is a write a small program to analyze the actual sample data, and see if the Red Pitaya is sending packets with correct serial numbers but swapped content. But this seems futile, given that the amount of popping I get is strongly dependent on other programs running on the PC, and on PowerSDR's setup, while the RP keeps operating exactly the same way.

So my conclusion is that this problem is internal to PowerSDR, perhaps triggered by other programs on the PC also requesting DPCs (deferred procedure calls), and is not a problem of Pavel's RP software nor of the UDP data flow between the RP and the PC. According to reports from other people, using an extremely powerful PC seems to reduce the problem to a level where it's not easily noticed in practical operation, but there is a real bug that needs to be fixed.

Update, again!  (2017-6-30):

I analyzed the UDP data, and it looks correct. So the facts are: The Red Pitaya with Pavel's software is sending the correct data, my PC is correctly receiving the data, and PowerSDR is changing the order of UDP packets. How often this happens depends on CPU load, so that when shutting down my firewall and NTP programs, and when configuring PowerSDR to cause a lighter CPU load, I get far fewer of these events - but I still get them, even at a total CPU load well below 10%! They keep happening at a rate of  ten to twenty pops per minute.
I can see that if any of my drivers (BIOS and otherwise) causes long delays through poorly implemented interrupts and DPCs, the SDR software might not be able to cope, due to an excessively small buffer, and start stuttering. But I cannot see why it should switch the position of UDP packets!!!  This MUST be a bug.

While playing with everything set up for least popping (disconnected from the internet, firewall off, NTP off, all non-essential Windows services turned off, PowerSDR configured for low CPU load) it became very obvious that I have two different kinds of popping: One is the UDP packet position switching detailed above, and the other is simply audio dropouts. The audio signal goes to zero, and after 2.667ms resumes at the same position of the waveform where it stopped. There is no filter ringing on these dropouts, showing that these happen in the audio stream, not in the input data stream. A simple calculation confirms this: 2.667ms contain 128 samples at 48kHz, and I had the audio buffer size in PowerSDR set to 128. Changing it to 256 doubled the duration of each dropout, and halved the frequency at which they occur, from about 35 seconds between dropouts to about 70 seconds.

These dropouts are surely caused by mismatch between the clocks of the Red Pitaya and the sound card. Due to the finite accuracy of quartz crystals, 48kHz derived from the Red Pitaya's crystal, and 48kHz derived from the sound card's crystal are two slightly different frequencies. These numbers also allow to compute the mismatch between the Red Pitaya's and the sound card's clocks: A whopping 46 ppm! Most of this must be the sound card. Otherwise the frequency calibration in PowerSDR would show it.

A good DSP program should handle this inevitable fact of life, by doing a variable rate resampling or some other software trick, but PowerSDR so far doesn't. If at least the program would skip or interpolate single samples as needed, the resulting very minor clicks and distortion would probably be small enough to go unnoticed. But zeroing out an entire data buffer, with 128 or more samples, is pretty much the worst possible way to handle a clock mismatch!
My appeal goes to the good people working on PowerSDR. They do it for free, so neither I nor anybody has a right to firmly request a fix. But I would still ask them to please look into both of these issues, if possible. No matter how many great features PowerSDR has, it's not really acceptable for daily use as long as it contains fundamental flaws like these!  Using a super fast, dedicated PC to get around the UDP packet swapping problem, as often suggested, is an expensive bandaid for an existing software bug, and doesn't do anything about the clock mismatch problem.

I just fired up HDSDR again - it produces no popping whatsoever, even when running it at over three times the maximum sampling rate PowerSDR is capable of, and with the firewall and all other software enabled, running a web browser at the same time, and several other programs. This shows that there is no fundamental reason why we should live with popping, nor need SDR-dedicated PCs! The popping of PowerSDR is caused by (at least) two software bugs, and these should be fixed.

Being a BASIC hobby programmer myself, I strongly hesitate to even try finding the bugs myself, in PowerSDR's extensive C source code. It should be much easier for the people who have been working on that software.  But the bugs are probably buried deep inside, possibly even in libraries used by the program. A web search shows that users have been complaining for many years about the popping, even on the Flexradio website, and nobody fixed the bugs.
For the time being, the popping continues, and is a serious problem that's making me reconsider whether it makes sense to build an SDR around this platform. I don't want to build a radio that sounds like a Geiger counter!!!  Yes, I know what some people will suggest: "Forget SDRs, and keep using your Kenwood!"  I prefer looking forward. The PowerSDR bugs have to be fixed!

And yet another update (2017-8-24)

Warren,  NR0V, undertook improving PowerSDR to fix the popping. Systematic testing showed that the problem of out-of-order UDP packets isn't happening inside PowerSDR, but in Winsock2. That's the Microsoft library that's used by Windows programs like PowerSDR to communicate through the ethernet. The UDP packets were arriving in proper order in my PC, but PowerSDR was sometimes getting them out of order. While it's not nice that Winsock2 does this, one cannot really say that it's a bug, because by the definition of the UDP protocol, packets are not guaranteed to arrive in proper order! So Warren put some new code into PowerSDR that re-orders such out-of-order packets, and this fixed the problem that was causing the most pops! And since then he has been working on solving the audio dropouts caused by lack of synchronization between the acquisition clock and the soundcard clock. It looks like in some more time PowerSDR will be completely free from popping even those PCs having less than stellar performance.


Of the Red Pitaya's two RF outputs, only one is currently used by Pavel's software. This provides the transmit signal, at a level adjustable up to ±1V into a 50Ω load, which equals a power level of 10mW (+10dBm). Basically this signal has to be amplified by about 40 to 52dB, in a linear way, to be put on the air.

The RP's outputs are intended to be loaded by 50Ω, but they do not have an internal 50Ω source resistance. To obtain the correct response from the built-in 50MHz low-pass filters, it's important to load the outputs with 50Ω. I built a simple and totally conventional class A amplifier stage around an antique but good 2N5109 transistor, which was on hand, just to act as a clean buffer stage and isolate any of my possible mistakes from the expensive RP. This amplifier uses both emitter degeneration and collector-to-base feedback. I can configure it for gain levels of 10 to 15dB, by changing two resistors. 15dB gain means 316mW output power, and is about the upper limit for a transistor running class A and dissipating 1W. Any higher power makes it clip the signal and produce undue distortion. A gain level of 12dB results in an ultra clean amplifier, that has the third order IMD products well below -50dB.

I placed an order for some RD06 and RD16 MOSFETs, which seem to be the most convenient devices currently available for HF amplification at levels up to 20W or so, and my intention is to use these for an amplifier that drives my big, fancy, high efficiency, high power final stage. It's two months since I ordered these transistors, and they still haven't arrived, thanks to ever-increasing delays at Chilean customs. Oh well.

Update! The MOSFET drive amplifier (2017-6-20):

After a looooong wait, finally the MOSFETs arrived, and I built a simple two-stage driver amplifier, using a single RD06HHF1 as class-A driver, and two RD16HHF1 in push-pull class AB.

The RD06HHF1 isn't really well suited for this driver stage. The Red Pitaya delivers just 10mW, and this first stage is supposed to amplify this to roughly 400mW. But the transfer curve of the RD06 begins to get reasonably linear only at roughly 0.5A! So, at 12V, one needs to run this stage at 6W input power, to get a reasonably symmetrical output waveform. This makes for an efficiency of less than 7%! A smaller MOSFET should have been better for this stage. But which? There are some SMD ones, but for quick experimentation these aren't as convenient as a good old TO-220.

When running this stage at lower current, the gain drops somewhat but is still pretty good, while the symmetry of the output signal becomes horrible. Interestingly the impact of this on the IMD is small. An asymmetric waveform implies the presence of strong even-order distortion products, while close-in IMD is purely odd-order. The most obvious spectral effect of the asymmetry is instead a very strong second harmonic. And the most prominent problem caused by signal asymmetry is very unbalanced driving of the push-pull stage following this one! One FET works much harder than the other, and there is a significant DC component in the output transformer. For these reasons I'm running the RD06 at 0.5A for now, achieving a symmetric-looking waveform and better than -50dBc IMD, but for any definitive implementation I would consider using the 2N5109 instead, or two of them in push-pull. It's very linear at much lower current, and thus far more efficient at a given level of gain and linearity.
I designed input and feedback networks that compensate for the RD06's input capacitance and for its frequency response. The result is an stage that has 16dB gain, very flat from 1.8 to 30MHz, and an equally flat 50Ω input impedance. This is important, because the Red Pitaya has a 50MHz low-pass filter on each of its RF outputs, and these need to be loaded with 50Ω to deliver their correct frequency response.

The RD16HHF1 FETs were a rather nasty surprise. I had taken the manufacturer's specs of "16 watts output per device at 55% efficiency, at 30MHz, minimum, and 19W at 65% typical" at face value. But these FETs just don't deliver that! Their RDSon is so high that at a nominal 12.5V supply voltage the rated minimum output of 16W is the absolute maximum value, when the FET is running fully saturated, with a square wave on its drain! Under these conditions the drain-source stauration voltage is around 5V, which is sky-high for a 12.5V FET, and the efficiency is scratching the 50% mark. In linear service the best I could make them deliver is roughly 12W for a pair (just 6W each!) at about 50% efficiency. Loading them at a lower impedance they will do just a few more watts, at drastically lower efficiency. I got 17W for a pair, at 38% efficiency, and -26dB IMD.

So I had to change my goals, to meet these FETs' real capabilities. Originally I hoped to get 25W in linear operation from the pair, at no worse than 50% efficiency. After realizing that these FETs can't do it, or at least not at 12-13.8V supply voltage, and changing my output transformer accordingly, I'm getting 10-12W linear output, depending on the band, at the drive level that gives an IMD3 of -30dB referred to each tone, for the complete amplifier.

This isn't the definitive version yet, and that's why I'm not posting the schematic right now. I intend to use this as a driver for the development of a high efficiency, high power final stage, and I don't know yet what the real drive requirements for this stage will be. So my plan is to work on that final stage first, using this drive amplifier as it is now, and then determine the specs for the definitive driver amp.
And maybe - just maybe - the definitive one might even be built on a printed circuit board! :-)

No EER support!!! 

While I wait for those FETs, and with the little class A buffer amplifier in place, I started doing the preliminary tests for my intended high efficiency, predistortion-corrected amplifier. The first big and nasty surprise was that Pavel's HPSDR-compatible software for the RP does not support PowerSDR's EER transmission features at all!  This is really a very big downer. Sure, I can still make an EER amplifier by using a conventional hardware-implemented envelope detector, but it's pretty much impossible to implement the required delay of the phase drive signal in hardware. PowerSDR implements it in software, but that's inaccessible because of lack of an envelope signal output in the RP software! This is a double shame, because the RP is ideally suited to EER, actually better than the Hermes, thanks to having two high speed analog outputs, compared to the Hermes' single one. It should be comparatively simple to add envelope output via the second DAC channel!

So, it looks like I will only be able to implement a much lower quality EER system than would have been possible through the use of the EER functionality provided by PowerSDR, and it will be slightly more complex to implement.

In fact I purchased the RP mainly because I thought it would allow me to make an EER transmitter having the proper time alignment between envelope and phase! And then I found out that the only software available for the RP does no support this...

Update!  (2017-8-24):

Pavel now implemented EER on the Red Pitaya, by sending out the envelope waveform on Output 2!  Since then I'm building what's necessary on the hardware side to run EER. I'm using an UC3638 motor control IC as the pulse width modulator with dead-time control, followed by an IR2110 high/low side MOSFET driver, and for now just a pair of IRF530 MOSFETs in class D to modulate the 13.8V supply to my test amplifier, through a 25kHz lowpass filter.


PowerSDR includes an adaptive phase and amplitude predistortion system, called "PureSignal", that can correct nonlinearities of the power amplifier chain. And Pavel's software fully supports this on the RP. I installed the required RF feedback from my little test amplifier's output  to the #2 input of the RP, and started testing. There are some good and some bad news. The good are that the system easily improved my amplifier's already very good -50dB IMD figure to a whopping -70dB, and at some times even -80dB.

The first bad news is that the results are a bit erratic, apparently caused by the popping problem described above, and possibly also by some other software bugs. For example, the phase and gain diagram generated by the system is sometimes very reasonable, and at other times it's totally absurd, without me changing anything in the settings nor the hardware. This needs some more investigation. Maybe the problem will go away if the popping problem is solved - if that ever happens.    
And more bad news showed up when I tried to intentionally degrade the linearity of my test amplifier, by running it into mild saturation, or biasing it too low. When I did that, PureSignal didn't work at all! The signal remained uncorrected, as bad as with PureSignal deactivated! So it seems that PureSignal can make a good signal excellent, but it cannot make a poor signal good. And that's very bad news for me, since I hoped to build an EER amplifier, which inevitable is quite poor in terms of amplitude and phase linearity, and correct it through predistortion so as to obtain a decent quality signal.

I need to do more experiments with PureSignal, but the popping problem must be solved first.

Update!  (2017-8-24):

Talking over with Warren the erratic behaviour of PureSignal on the Red Pitaya, it turned out that it was mainly due to the signal level produced by the RP on RX3. PureSignal requires a specific signal level. Pavel fixed this in his software, and now PureSignal works very well!!!  The only important limitation I still see with PureSignal is the limited correction bandwidth. While it can reduce all spurs within ±20kHz  to negligible levels, even for pretty crummy amplifiers, it cannot do anything about spurs lying outside that range. So whatever amplifier one uses needs to be clean enough to have all high-order IMD products and spurs sufficiently well attenuated, pretty much regardless of how dirty it is close-in. And then PureSignal can be used to dramatically improve the signal purity inside its ±20kHz correction range.

This allows obtaining very good signal quality even from strongly overdriven amplifiers, while underbiased amplifiers end up producing a larger amount of far-out IMD, limiting how low one can set the bias before this IMD becomes a practical problem. Anyway, even with almost no idling current, the uncorrected far-out IMD is suppressed at least 50dB, and typically more, so it might be considered acceptable.

It will be interesting to see how well an EER output stage fares with PureSignal!

Is there any point in continuing this project at all?

This sounds a little harsh, but it's a question inevitably going 'round in my head. My core interest in building an SDR was implementing a pretty good high power EER amplifier, using PowerSDR's EER capabilities, and then correct the remaining distortion through PowerSDR's adaptive predistortion. So, basically I wanted the Red Pitaya as a system to properly drive and bend straight a big EER amplifier, having the typical SDR advantages for receiving thrown in as a bonus.  And the reality I see now is that because of lack of EER support in the RP software I can't use the EER features of PowerSDR at all, limiting me to a rather poor EER implementation without the required delay of the phase signal, and then I won't be able to correct it at all through adaptive predistortion! That's just as bad as driving an EER amplifier from an old technology, analog exciter! It simply crashes my project!  And the bonus SDR receiver keeps popping like a Geiger counter...

Sure, I could instead build a totally conventional class AB power amplifier chain that has good enough linearity, and just live with the popping. But instead of doing that, I could as well keep using my old TS-450 transceiver and NCL-2000 linear amplifier!  This whole SDR project isn't attractive to me if the high efficiency, high power transmitter producing a decent quality signal can't be implemented.

I even toyed with the idea of trying to get into the source code of both PowerSDR and Pavel's RP program, to try and fix the popping, and to implement EER functionality in the RP. But that seems awfully difficult to a 52 years old electronician, who is fluent neither with Linux nor with C nor with FPGA programming, and whose programming experience is mostly in BASIC, Assembly, microcontrollers and computers running relatively simple operating systems. It seems far more likely that I will have to wait, and cross my fingers that the authors of this software will keep improving the programs so that it will work perfectly and do all the things I need.

In the meantime,  it's fun to play with SDR and learn.

And an update to this, too! (2017-8-24):

Thanks to the help of Warren and Pavel, improving the software, it now does make sense to go forward and try building my high power, high efficiency  SDR transceiver. So I have ordered an MRF1K50N and the lot of other parts required, and until everything arrives I will be experimenting with EER using my small RD16 drive amplifier as a guinea pig. I don't know yet what exact flavor of EER, H-EER, ET, etc, will work out best, and I only have some unproven ideas about how to make a bandswitched high efficiency final stage. They will have to be tried and tested. Pure EER is still not possible with the existing software combination, specially in combination with predistortion, but ET should work.

ET test successful!! (2017-8-26)

The Envelope Tracking test setup described above was completed and tested. Since I built it on a protoboard, there is some interference from the switching power stage into the pulse width modulator, causing some distortion on the amplified envelope signal, plainly visible on a scope. Even so, the resulting RF output signal is surprisingly good - and can only get better if the PWM is properly built!

The spectrum shown here depicts the RF output obtained, with over 300kHz bandwidth to allow seeing the most important things. The IMD3 is 40dB down - that's significantly better than what I obtained from this amplifier in class AB "linear" operation!
All amplifiers powered by a switching circuit (switchmode power supply, or as in this case a switchmode modulator) will produce sidebands separated from the main signal by the switching frequency and its multiples. That's why I used such a wide setting for the spectrum analyzer, so that the first (and strongest) of these sidebands is shown. Its peak is 60dB below the main signal, which should be acceptable. In any case, if so desired it can be further attenuated by increasing the order of the lowpass filter used between the modulator and the final stage.

And this is the RF output spectrum with an actual voice signal.

It's almost funny to see how efficient such an amplifier is! Just to fool around, I lifted the RD16 FETs from the heatsink and ran them in free air. At 12W PEP output, continuous duty with the two-tone signal, they got warm but not hot. On the heatsink, of course, everything stays stone cold.

The modulating IRF530 FETs weren't even mounted on a heatsink. They stay cold too, in free air.  I love EER and ET!  At the 12W level it's just a game, but later at the kilowatt+ level this will be important.

Who said that 200kHz switchmode power amplifiers cannot be built on a protoboard?

A better PWM (2017-12-20)

After playing for some time with the UC3638-based PWM, it became clear that this motor controller IC has some shortcomings when used as class D amplifier controller for the widest possible range of pulse width. Specially the rather large hysteresis of its comparator makes the pulses snap to zero or 100% duty cycle rather early on the transfer curve. Since this behaviour cannot be changed from the outside of the chip, I decided to scrap the beautifully simple UC3638 circuit in favor of a more conventional but also more complex solution using opamps and comparators.
This design uses fast comparators with rail-to-rail complementary outputs, and fast, low distortion, low noise opamps. It works significally cleaner than the UC3638, and is fully controllable by the designer/builder, but is still not able to work cleanly from zero to 100% duty cycle, due to comparator hysteresis. A few percent of the range have to be sacrificed at each end. Another version using much slower, antique LM311 comparators with pull-up resistors and a MOSFET inverter produced less clean internal waveforms, but still produced almost the same quality in the final signal. So if you don't want to solder the ant-size LT1713, feel free to go the LM311 route.

Note that this circuit is not final! It's intended just for experimenting at low power. The final version will use several MOSFETs of a more modern type in parallel, probably with a stronger driver, and might not have the deadtime circuit shown here between U3 and U5, or might have it but with a different time constant. Actually I built my test circuit without the deadtime circuit, but included it in the schematic for completeness. Also the startup behaviour of this circuit is still uncontrolled, which I intend to revise for the final version. But if you want to experiment with EER or ET, this circuit should do quite well.

Just in case you haven't noticed: You can click the schematic to get a legible version...

Defining the project

These days I have been in a mood to make handsome drawings, so I drew a basic block diagram of my intended transceiver too, as things stand right now. A lot of this remains to be defined, changed, experimented, dropped, replaced, given up, reinstated, and so on.

Even so, this block diagram might be useful to make clear what I'm trying to develop...

Trying other pulse width modulators (2018-3-10)

I'm not completely satisfied with the performance I'm getting from my pulse width modulator. So I tested some options. Below are a few oscillograms that allow comparing the linearity of different approaches. You can click these oscillograms to get larger and more detailed versions. Each of these was done by applying a 100Hz triangle wave, adjusted to slightly saturate the PWM, so that the flat extremes of the curves represent zero and 100% pulse widths. Then I adjusted the scope to make best use of its screen. 

I was given two samples of the LTC6992-1. That's a tiny 6-pin SMD that implements a complete, full range pulse width modulator, requiring only an extremely simple external circuit, and accepting a 0-1V input range. At first sight it seems ideally suited to the task of turning the RP's analog envelope signal into a PWM signal.

I made a basic test circuit configuring the IC's oscillator for 200kHz, its internal frequency divider to 1, and passing the PWM output through a 2-pole RC lowpass filter with a cutoff frequency of around 20kHz.

Unfortunately the catch lies in the poor linearity this IC has. The oscillogram shows a very clear bow in the overall curve, deviating up to about 4% from the straight line. Also the line is somewhat wavy instead of straight, as if the PWM function was implemented in many small sections spliced together.

The upper end of the response shows a clean transition to 100% pulse width, with is excellent, but the lower end shows a slight step response - the IC cannot produce arbitrarily short pulses, dropping instead to zero pulse width below a certain threshold.

Looking at the output pulses one can see a severe frequency pulling effect during modulation, which might be involved in the overall bowing of the tranfer function.

There are two ways to run this IC at 200kHz. The one recommended in the datasheet, for reasons of lower power consumption, is the one measured above. The alternative is to configure the oscillator for 800kHz, and set the frequency divider to 4. This is what I did next.

Interestingly the overall linearity is much better in this configuration, with the overall distortion being only about half as much. But the waviness of the response remains, perhaps even stronger than before,  the distortion at the low end increases, and some distortion appears also at the high end.

I cannot blame this IC, which was never intended for high quality, low distortion pulse width modulation, but for simple non-demanding application such as display backlight control... It has a linearity specification of 4.5%, and it does meet it. But this just isn't good enough for the task at hand. And that's a pity, because it looked sooooo attractive, with its extremely simple application circuit!

So I'm back to the circuit shown a bit up in this page, built around two LT1713 comparators and an LM4562 op amp. This oscillogram shows its output, using the same 2-pole RC filter used for the oscillograms above. But it's powered from 5V, instead of the 8V shown in the diagram, which puts the LM4562 in a rather compromised situation, given that it's not a rail-to-rail opamp, and not even a single-supply op amp.

Still the overall linearity of this circuits is very much better than that of the LTC6992, appearing to be essentially a perfect straight line from about 3% to 96% pulse width. But the ends of the range do show distortion. Closer inspection with the scope shows this to come in part from the switching transients of the second comparator causing interference to the op amp and first comparator, while another thing contributing to distortion is the lack of speed of the LM4562. That''s a pretty fast and very good op amp, but to make a really clean 200kHz triangle wave, even higher speed would be better. So I have ordered a few LT1809, which are very fast rail-to-rail op amps. In about 4 months, the time typically taken by the Chilean postal service to deliver a parcel, I hope to be able to continue improving my PWM...

The ridiculous slowness of the Chilean postal service is a disgrace. They claim it's the customs processing that causes these delays, but a simple letter sent to me by priority airmail from Germany took the same 4 months to arrive, and I don't suppose that letters are subject to customs processing...

This shows the output of the power stage shown in the diagram above, using an IRS2110 driver IC, two IRF530 MOSFETs, the 4-pole LC low-pass filter, and a 10Ω load resistor. The power supply was 13V with somewhat weak stiffness (long cable), and the PWM circuit is the one of the previous oscillogram.

The first obvious feature is quite some interference from the power switching into the PWM. I have to say at this place that the circuit is still built on a solderless protoboard, so this kind of problem is to be expected! It should largely go away when making a good PCB.

However the poor construction on a protoboard is a great tool to uncover other problems! The large switching chaos in the upper 10% of the range is caused by shoot-through in the power MOSFETs, causing intense current pulses of a few nanoseconds duration, that cause increased interference to the PWM.

The IRS2110 has pretty good pulse width fidelity when the pulses aren't too short. But when input pulses get narrow, or near 100% wide, this IC increasingly alters their widths - and when driving the two inputs with exactly complementary signals, as my LT1713 is doing, the IRS2110 actually drives both MOSFETs on at the same time, for brief moments!

So it would have to be used with a deadtime circuit. That circuit is shown in the diagram up this page, but was NOT in place when taking this oscillogram.

Instead of inserting that deadtime circuit, I replaced that chip by an IR2110. The IRS2110 and the IR2110 are extremely similar and pin-compatible, but the version without the "S" has a significantly longer delay for switch-on than for switch-off of each driver output. As a result it provides a deadtime by its own, when both inputs are driven with exactly complementary waveforms.

The effect of the change is obvious: The interference to the PWM circuit is much reduced, because the large shoot-through pulses are gone.
Unfortunately there is some waviness in the response, affecting roughly the first and last 15% of the range. Some of this is caused by the construction on a protoboard, but also some is caused by the driver chip proper, which does change the pulse widths to different extents depending on the input pulse width. Also the deadtime it enforces tends to be a little too long, like 40ns, and class D amplifiers depend on near-zero deadtime to maintain a linear response.

What I take away from these tests is:

- The PWM circuit with fast comparators and op amps is best;
- A faster op amp there should help, specially a rail-to-rail one that allows a larger signal swing;
- Good layout on a PCB should contribute to making that PWM circuit plenty good enough;
- The LTC6992 instead is unfit for this application, and so are the other ICs I tried before (power supply and motor controllers);
- A faster/better driver with the best possible pulse width fidelity is needed in the power stage;
- PCB layout of the power section must be top notch, when the circuit will handle 50V 40A instead of the experimental 13V 1.5A.

More news related to the above

Pavel might program a pulse width modulator into the RP's FPGA. This would delete the necessity for a hardware PWM. But he sees trouble in achieving a high enough PWM frequency along with sufficient resolution. He mentioned using sigma-delta modulation instead of PWM, which he says is easier to implement with the required quality. The problem I see with that is decreased modulator efficiency, due to the higher number of switching transitions per unit of time, causing higher switching loss. Maybe it would be best to use a sigma-delta system with the data stream processed in such a way that pulses are transposed and joined, aways keeping the number of transitions per time unit below a certain limit.

A nice byproduct of using delta-sigma modulation would be that the humps of spurious signals 200kHz away from the main signal should go away, replaced by more broadband, lower level artifacts, which are less likely to be detectable.

I'm wide open to experiment, and finally use what works best.

After a long time, some life signs...  (2021-1-5)

It's almost 3 years since I last updated this page! And that's because really not very much has happened. Given the current state of ham radio, with very little interesting (to me) activity on the bands, my motivation level has been low, and so I have built several other projects, rather than spending a lot of time on my SDR project.

So, here are the news of what little this project has advanced in these 3 years.

The (hopefully) definitive modulator:

The input section, using one side of a TLS2272 op amp simply because I have a bag of them in SMD format, takes the 0-1V envelope signal from the Red Pitaya, and amplifies it with adjustable gain and offset to the level required by the pulse width modulator. A transistor is used to shut down the modulator by pulling down the input signal, for example when high SWR is detected.

The triangle-wave oscillator uses the same design as already shown above, based on an LT1713 comparator but using an LT1809 op amp, as suggested in the comparator's datasheet. It has a cleaner performance.

The pulse width modulator is simply another LT1713 in the most basic configuration possible, but the deadtime control has been done in an elegant and hidden way: The HCPL7723 optocouplers have TTL-compatible inputs, so their threshold is around 1.4V or so, while the comparator outputs switch between 0 and 5V. Using a simple RC delay network between each comparator output and its optocoupler input, this asymmetry makes the delay of the upgoing transition shorter than that of the downgoing one. And since these optocouplers have inverting inputs, logic 1 means optocoupler is off, MOSFET is off, and as a result there is a small deadtime, controllable by the values of the 1kΩ and 33pF components. The high-side and low-side switches could even use different delay values, if this was required to equalize the dead times.
Instead of the IR2110 of the test circuit, I used optoinsulated signal coupling, followed by high-current MOSFET driver chips. This results in very much more precise and well-aligned switching transitions, also faster switching, lower loss, and ultimately lower distortion of the modulator's output. I chose the  UCC37321 drivers because they have an enable input, which comes in very handy to implement an undervoltage shutdown, required to prevent MOSFET failure in the event of a brown-out of the 12V supply while the 50V supply still works. The whole driver circuit is made even more complex by the optocouplers' need for a regulated 5V supply, while the drivers run from 12V to produce appropriate MOSFET gate drive. This required adding a micropower 5V regulator in each driver block.

Despite the fact that the input circuitry and the power stage are referenced to the same ground, the physical construction should have the whole low power circuitry on a separate ground island, joined to the main ground only at the input connector. This eliminates ground loop trouble. The 12V input to the regulator powering the small-signal circuitry goes through a resistor, for the same reason. It keeps the small-signal ground free from noise generated by the power section. The dashed line in the schematic envolves all the parts that end up on the single-point-grounded island.
Using an optocoupler not only for the high side, but also for the low side, was necessary not only for this ground loop prevention, but also to keep the two drive signals well aligned in time. The selected optocouplers have very tight timing tolerances.

The resulting total drive circuit is far more complex than using an IR2110, but its performance is also very much better.

The high-side driver is powered from a bootstrap system. For this reason the modulator cannot be used at 100% duty cycle for transmitting a long carrier. But the 10µF capacitors allow enough autonomy to get over SSB peaks, so it is possible to get 100% duty cycle in SSB. On the other hand, this should be avoided in the interest of linearity, since the system becomes non-linear in the last few percent of its range. It's better to choose the supply voltage high enough, a few volt higher than what the RF power amplifier needs, and align the input signal conditioner so as to limit the duty cycle and thus the peak output voltage to the desired values.
The power stage uses 5 MOSFETs in parallel in each block. The low side is identical to the high side, despite running at much lower average current. I would like to stress that using 5 transistors in parallel was not done to handle the current, but to get low enough lead inductance and thus achieve clean-enough switching! And the peak current that has to be switched is exactly the same for the high side and low side, which explains using the same number of transistors in both blocks.

Since this modulator uses no negative feedback, it is essential to achieve clean switching, sharp turn-on and turn-off, absolutely minimal deadtime, and good saturation, if we want to get a low-distortion envelope signal!
The AOT416 MOSFETs used in this design are fast, have a low gate charge, have enough headroom for significantly higher supply voltage than 50V, and are also inexpensive.
The output low-pass filter is a 4-pole Chebyshev design, optimized for the load resistance offered by an RF power amplifer using 1:9 impedance matching. The capacitors are low-loss polypropylene types, while the inductors were wound on airgapped ferrite E cores with round center legs. Most or all of the output capacitance of this filter is actually the RF bypass capacitance in the RF power amplifier.

Two fast rectifier diodes are included to clip any overshoot or understood of the output. Also a fast-responding Hall effect current sensor is included on the board, which can be used both for monitoring, protection and control purposes.

I built the circuit with a combination of protoboard and dead-bug style, to test it. It seems fine, and should get better when cleanly built on a PCB. 

I started designing a two-layer PCB for this circuit, fitting on an Eurocard, but repeatedly ran into trouble trying to achieve an optimal design with low trace inductances where it matters, adequate thermal layout, and without having to use any ugly jumpers. Maybe I set the bar too high, but in several attempts I never finished that design. I ordered all the missing parts from China, because it's the only country from which sellers can still ship at a reasonable charge, but I got some counterfeit parts along with some good ones. For example the current sensor I got is an older, much worse, ±50A model, with its printing sanded off and replaced by the printing of the part I wanted...  Such events don't help improve my already low motivation to work on this project.

At least during these 3 years my understanding of RF power amplifiers has kept improving. The bad news about this is that I have learned that the saturated class AB stage, in other words a voltage-switching class D stage, is impossible to achieve with LDMOSFETs running from 50V at the kilowatt level over the whole HF spectrum. Very simply, existing magnetic materials aren't good enough to implement the required drain feed transformer (aka bifiliar choke) in such a small size that its leakage inductance becomes sufficiently low. It can be done easily on 160 and 80m, it still works OK on 40m, it might be just acceptable on 20m, but definitely no higher. This forces a change in the approach, toward a current-switching class D amplifier, because such a circuit doesn't need a drain feed transformer. But the current-switching class D amplifier needs a square wave drive signal, that turns one transistor on before turning the other off. More importantly, the resulting heavy cross conduction (aka infinite idling current) that would result if there is supply voltage while there is no drive signal would require designing the modulator as a current source rather than a voltage source! And this renders my modulator design obsolete before I even finished designing a PCB for it...

So that's the state at the beginning of 2021: The modulator circuit design is done, the PCB design is only half done, and might need to be done totally anew, parts have arrived but some are fakes and need to be ordered again, and anyway the whole modulator concept might need to be changed to current-mode. The 50V server power supply I bought ended up being unusable for this project, because it has an incredibly noisy fan, won't run without feedback from that fan, consumes about 200W when idling (!), generates severe RF noise, and starts too slowly to be switched off during RX. I need a better suited one, or build one.

Other hams have expressed very limited enthusiasm for my project. It's actually hard to find any ham who even understands its basic concepts! A larger number of hams tell me that I'm crazy (maybe they are right..), that it makes no sense to design high-efficiency transmitting systems for hams, that energy is cheap enough to waste some, and so on...  

You might understand why my motivation is a bit down, to put it mildly.

So I have instead built a drone. Also a conventional small , to enjoy it on the air in some way at least. And several other small projects not yet documented on my web site. In addition I have done some ferrite science, and I'm currently writing a comprehensive article about RF power amplifier design,  but the EER project has been mostly resting, waiting for a big injection of motivation.

Comments and questions are welcome. And any ideas to solve the problems exposed here are particularly welcome! Collaboration is invited. You can contact me at .

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