
Another form of water that is pretty photogenic is ice. The trick to good ice photos is avoiding overexposure, which makes it loose all color and detail.


The Torres del Paine National Park may be Chile's internationally best known trekking zone. Strangely, most Chileans have never been here, missing out on sights like this!

Calving glacier

This is how such icebergs are born. It can take some patience to get such a happening on film!

Ancient ice

Freshly fished out of the lake and photographed with side lighting in front of the Grey Glacier, this block of ages-old glacier ice shines.

Walking on ice

Trekking over such crevice-strewn, slippery, unforgiving but honest ice is one of the most hightening experiences I have had!

Ice wall

Inside an ice cave lit through its walls, multiple refraction in the many angles of the washed-out ice lets light areas alternate with totally black ones.

Brotherly ice

Water collected here, and re-froze. Ice stalagmites built up. Two of them grew together. Then one of them lost grip from the rock, and is supported only by its brother.

Frozen in!

I found this scene in the cold dry steppe at 4500 meter altitude. It is not fully natural: A water pipe feeding a nearby homestead had developed a fissure, spraying a fine mist over these shrubs. At this altitude the temperature is below freezing, so the plants grew ice shields in the mist.

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