Our feathered friends are nice subjects,
but most of them are totally unable to hold still. And most of them don't
like humans, not even photographers. So, it's always a struggle to come
close enough. A very long lens helps, but other tricks must usually be
Martín pescador
This fisher bird usually does not
allow any human to come closer than about 18 meter. But it will not recognize
people when they come in a boat! I came so close that I used a 50mm lens
to make this photo! The bird was waiting for fish on this branch about
a meter over the stream, and I came close to touch it with the lens! I
could not use a longer lens because of the very low light level.
One of the smaller owl species in
Chile, this night bird has a lovely face.
Surely mice will disagree!
Many birds will show you their backside
as you come close. They do this so they can fly away from you if need arises.
I fervently wish I could tell birds in some way that I have no intention
of harming them! Too many hunters have conditioned them otherwise.
Young Peuco
A kind of eagle, this bird nests
on rocky slopes. When I came close, this nestling opened its mouth, the
typical attitude begging for food! It had not yet learned about the evil
in so many humans.
Penguin nest
These birds are surprisingly trusting
of humans. You can come almost close enough to touch them. But if you try
to actually do so, you can expect a nasty wound in your hand! They are
quick and have sharp beaks.
The young in the rear is just in the process
of shedding its chick feathers and grow adult plumage.
A common bird of the northern Chilean
sea shores, it is a capable wave soarer.
This colony spends part of the year
in the Atacama Salt Lake, and moves to the northern hemisphere when the
weather gets nasty here. Their colors, graduated from softest pink to violent
red, and their graceful motions make them a joy to watch!
I have never understood why some people
consider doves to be symbols of peace. They are among the most violent
birds I have ever watched. Hardly a day passes for a male dove without
Pelican crowd
When the fishers return ashore and
clean their catch before bringing it to market, large numbers of pelicans
assemble around the boat, disposing of every chunk of fish guts and heads
that flies overboard. Hardly ever anything reaches the water, and then
only because half a dozen long beaks collided in air, trying to catch the
He and she
It's a good thing that I have no idea
what comments they were making about me!